Archive for August, 2011

NY Gov. Orders Investigation Of Wages at Not-For-Profits

August 3, 2011

New York – Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that he has created a new task force to investigate the executive and administrator compensation levels at not-for-profits that receive taxpayer support from the state. The task force will be led by the New York State Inspector General Ellen Biben, Secretary of State Cesar A. Perales, the Medicaid Inspector General Jim Cox, and the Superintendent of the Department of Financial Services Benjamin Lawsky.


When The Protecters [Shomrim] Need Protection

August 1, 2011

A Crown Heights Shomrim volunteer giving a stalled NYPD Vehicle a boost.

Regarding the Seething Hatred and Vitriol against Shomrim by NY Post Columnist

[CHI] Michael Lesher, a Jewish attorney from Passaic New Jersey, took to the pages of the New York Post to publish a column of unabashed hate and seething venom against Brooklyn’s Shomrim patrols. In his column he refers many times to Shomrim as “unskilled and ill-equipped” and “vigilantes”, asking if ‘anyone’ thinks the Shomrim’s “do the city a better service?”

This piece of garbage written by Michael Lesher is not an investigative report, all it is is an op-ed/rant/Opinion. This op-ed/rant/Opinion lacks many true facts or rather twisted facts making a not so tasteful Cholent, mixing various issues one with the other.

Issues WIS will address:
1) Blaming Shomrim
2) Government/Tax payers funds
3) Shomrim, Commmutiy, Police (A message to Shomrim)


CHJCC Rakes In Most Of City ‘Pork’

August 1, 2011

The Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. Raked in over Ten Million Dollars between 2009 and current. What does the CHJCC have to show for that? Where has this money been spent?

City budget data shows that Jewish affiliated nonprofits have far outpaced their religious counterparts in bringing home taxpayer dough.

Jewish groups secured $4.26 million from City Council members in the 2012 budget, far more than Catholic groups, which will take home $517,250, and Islamic/Muslim groups, which secured $19,000.
