Posts Tagged ‘c.o.p.’

Jewish Nation Going Thorough A Mesira Holocaust

August 12, 2009
If you see a fellow Jew driving this car, know this, he is NOT there for your protection. He is Not there to look after you!

If you see a fellow Jew driving this car, know this, he is NOT there for your protection. He is Not there looking out for you! The people driving this car are Not looking out for their fellow Jews!

kapo -cop- mesira -shmira“Assistants to the SS = the Kapos.” The SS appointed prisoners as Kapos to control other inmates. The prisoners march along ant-like, carrying huge round stones balanced on their shoulders, while the weight seemingly crushes their heads. The prisoners march into an indefinite distance, seeming to come from a great subterranean cavern. The distances involved areĀ  illusionistic: the dimensions of the quarry are seemingly modest, but the work involved is titanic. The Kapo is darker and larger than his fellow prisoners, at once less and more. In the foreground a crude figure lays sprawled and contorted, bleeding from the head, probably dead, a victim of Kapo violence. But the march goes on unendingly and no one is allowed to aid him. The SS officers look on with approval.

kapo-shmira-cop-mesira“Get out for roll call!!” Additional Kapo abuse is depicted. Two Kapos flank the door, brandishing symbols of official and personal violence. Both wear a green triangle, marking them as “professional criminals.” The prisoners are disgorged chaotically through the door-frame, flinching and falling.

Whos the cause of this Mesira Holocaust?

Your Fellow Jew!


Hate, Jealousy and Power!

What part are you taking to stop this?! What does it have to take for you to realize that it’s not only the “other” guy that this is happening to?!